Settling In

Sunday, November 1, 2009

In which our hero encounters unexpected difficulties and setbacks, but things work out pretty well in the end...

Setback #1 turned out to be the postal strike which delayed banking paperwork. Sympathetic as I am to the postal worker's dispute, that was seriously annoying because it left me essentially penniless and spinning my wheels for a couple of days.

Setback #2: Guarantors, the requirement for which had me thrashing around desperately, asking favours of friends and desperately searching for a way around the problem. This reminded me of a couple of things: I have a fine collection of friends, many of whom stepped forward to offer help. They are excellent people and I am indebted to them whether they could ultimately help or not. Also, there are ways around every situation; the key is in knowing when the right opportunity has arrived.

I'm looking forward to explaining this in more detail, but I move into a new flat in a week and there are another hundred and one things to do in the meantime.

So, more from the New Drafty Garret.


mand November 1, 2009 at 1:56 PM  

I am very (very, very) glad you have got a flat, and i hope it's the flat you wanted.

dendge: the bow (sometimes abbreviated to a nod, sometimes expanded to a full obeisance complete with flourishing of feathered hat, etc) which is made by an individual while explaining a decision s/he does not entirely understand since s/he was not involved in making it in the first place.

Andy Brick November 9, 2009 at 1:27 AM  

Dave - If you need a hand, you know where I am. Andy.

Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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