The Obligatory Peter Capaldi Post

Monday, March 10, 2014

Barring accidents, in just a few all too short months Peter Capaldi will be playing Doctor Who.

Anyone who isn't aware of how good Peter Capaldi is should go and acquaint themselves with his work.  He's very good.

My hope is that the writing which supports his performance will be a match for him.  I know if I were one of the writers for Doctor Who I would be putting together my best work for the man. 

Too much praise?  Compare the slightly bumbling Caecilius in The Fires of Pompeii with the almost demonic Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It and again with his turn as the scheming but all too human Richelieu in The Musketeers*- these characters are so far apart that it's hard to remember that the same man is playing them.

This is another of those exciting times to be a fan: filming has started and there are places on the internet to avoid because of potential spoilers.  There is fan speculation, mostly died away by now because he's in role and only the trolls think The Doctor will be anything like Malcolm Tucker, about what he'll be like.  But out there in Wales there's a top quality actor building a character that will become part of the ongoing heritage of Doctor Who.  That's an exciting prospect.

*where he's the best thing in it, unless Tamla Kari is in the scene because Constance has so much more substance than D'Artagnan.  (Yay Constance!)


Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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