This is a test. No, seriously.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm posting this with ScribeFire, which is an addon for FireFox.
I used to use an offline stand alone piece of software for this sort of thing, but it's been so long since I posted to my LiveJournal account that it seems silly to fire that back up just to get to Blogger.

Besides, I seem to spend more and more time with FireFox these days.  If it had a word-count and a simple text editor, I think I'd probably uninstall MS Office.

The intention here is just to see whether it works and how it looks.  Is it easy to use?  Is it clean and simple?  Does it function as I need it to?

The answers so far are "Yes", which is comforting.  I even have an option here to "monetize" - which I will explore shortly.  The interface seems to be working pretty well with 'Fox, including the dark theme I've got the browser using.  I also have options to link from YouTube and Flickr, as well as the normal hyper and image links.

This might come in handy.  It's also nice to be able to slap F8 when I have an idea and be able to post something to the Blog.


Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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