Alert! Avian Flu - Poultry Outbreak - Hong Kong

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The title of this post was the subject line of an e-mail I got at work.

We get pandemic reports at work, simply because we have people traveling
all over the world and an outbreak of something nasty can cause travelers
all kinds of problems.

H5 hasn't crossed the species barrier yet, so it's not as big a deal as
everyone is thinking, and with luck it's just a matter of time before we
come up with an effective defense against it. However, the headline itself
made me think of a Hong Kong terrorized by gangs of roaming chickens that spontaneously appear, thanks to a sort of viral interaction
with urban decay. Sort of like "Night of the Living Dead", but with

I even had this cinematic shot of a helicopter surveying the terror
stricken streets, high above HK, with a middle aged Charlton Heston sitting
in the door gunner position of a Huey - surely the archetypal helicopter
now - looking out over the streets and just saying "My Ghaaaaaaaaaad", in
that way that he did, to the faint background sound of a million chickens
going "Cluck?"


Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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