Heroes! Bit of an experiment.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

In an attempt to show how the cuts and switches affect the show, here's a recap, taken from notes that were taken as the show played on Hulu.

...perviously, on Heroes:

Hiro is stuck back in time sixteen years ago, hanging off a flagpole.
Arthur is not Sylar;s daddy, and Peter is not a killer.
And we get a homily not from Mohinder but from...Sylar. Who says
"what we choose is never what we truly need, for that is the ultimate cosmic joke, That is the real gift god has left behind".

And now Peter wants to destroy the formula and Nathan wants to inject another dozen marines with the formula.

Nathan has officially adopted his dad's scheme. And he tells Peter "either you're with me..."
Meanwhile Noah grabs a couple of shotguns and prepares to go hunting while Sylar takes over the Company facility, having murdered all the guards, and taunts everyone. Claire and Sylar have a little heart to heart. Having locked everyone in the level 5 facilitym he tells them he's going to show them they're all monsters exactly like him....wait. Who does that remind you of? Is he replaying The Killing Joke?

Meanwhile, back at Hiro...
Well, not with Hiro, Parkman and Ando and the speedster girl are at Mohinder's place, but he's not there and they realise that they need Mohinder. Who is dying in a scaley and messy manner. He's going to try the new formula, but here comes Petey the Punisher with a gun. There's a discussion which goes nowhere useful other than getting all the formula trashed. There is a blur of wind, the formula vanishes, and it is delivered to Ando, who injects himself. We have a bit of a theoretical discussion about abilities: people seem to get the things they believe they need most - Matt used to worry about what people thought of him and he learned to read minds. Of course, we don't see the transformation right away...we cut to -

Sylar's mindgame: he offers Claire the option of getting out alive, with Noah and Biomom, in return for shooting Angela. Claire refuses, and shoots a telephone instead.

And we cut to Noah. He's released all the maniacs in Level 5 and promised them freedome if they kill Sylar. He mentions that he's really released them as bait.

Back to Ando and company, who are testing Ando's new ability...which he doesn't appear to have, until he punches something.

Back to Sylar. Creepy puppeteer guy attempts to mind control Sylar and fails. Sylar injects biomom with adrenalin, at which point she loses control of her powers.

And then cut to Noah, who finds Meredith (biomom) in a Level 5 Cell. Sylar locks him in, with a gun and a single bullet, and gives Noah a choice - burn to death or kill Meredith and have to explain himself to Claire.

Back to Nathan, who is pontificating. He starts a fight with a guy who becomes stronger as people become more fearful. Nathan is saved from an asskicking by his blonde icemaiden, who kills the strongman.

Back to Ando, who has discovered that he can amplify the powers of others. Matt can suddenly hear the minds of everyone, and it seems his girlfriend , once touched, moves so fast she goes back in time.

Meanwhile, we're with Sylar and Claire as Claire attempts to save her parents. Which she does. There is an odd moment as Claire asks her thermobaric mother to come with her, but mommy, who is unable to stop generating flames, won't. Claire looks all fierce and says "I''m coming back for you". Which is good because the adrenalin will wear off eventually.

Nathan and Ice maiden are talking spin control. Nathan fires her.

Back at Ando, a plan to rescue Hiro is hatched.

Hiro, and his younger self, go after the formula. And get it, only to be confronted by Hiro;s dad. George Takei goes all Samuri, wielding a big sword. The formula is ripped in half.

Icemaiden steals the formula and is about to walk off with it when Hiro and the Speedster turn up. Icemaiden calls Hiro "Pikachu".

Meanwhile, back with Peter, the lab trashing is over. Mohinder is swamped with formula and is cured, then Peter and Nathan beat each other up.

The lan burns, and Peter jabs himself with formula, getting his powers back and saving Nathan and flying out of the inferno.

Back to Sylar and Angela. Angela attempts to convince Sylar that she's been in his corner all along. It backfires. Angela admits that the Sylar is not her son, and then she lies about her motives. And then she admits everything, and offers Sylar the truth about his parents. He's about to get it when Claire stabs him in the neck - her one weak spot and therefore his too.

Meredith is about to go Supernova and there is a tearful goodbye.

And back to Peter and Nathan. Peter saved Nathan because they are brothers.

And the end monologue is Mohinder, but things appear to be reset. The formula is gone, everyone but Hiro has their powers back. Then we go to...

Three weeks later, where Nathan has sold everyone out to the US Government. Nathan wants to round everyone up and put them in prison.

Oh, and the president is a youngish black guy.

So we've had "Arkham Asylum" and now shades of the X-Men too. Ah, onward.


Anonymous December 16, 2008 at 8:29 PM  

Indeed, President Worf. I wonder if this role will be a good one for Dorn or just a glorified walk-on like Boxleitner got.

Well, at least Sylar didn't switch sides this week. I guess the current gas prices didn't inspire him. He did crib from Joker a bit, yeah. And Volume 4 does rather put forth an X-Men vibe.

I've said elsewhere that I hope President Worf drops a Bat'leth on Nathan.

David Webb December 17, 2008 at 3:24 PM  

Yeah, I thought the plan for Boxleitner was to have him play a much more important role.

And I wonder about Michael Dorn too. My worry is that they're going for geek cachet, and therefore aiming at entirely the wrong crowd.

Of course, it could be a pattern recognition failure on my part and maybe they just cast him because very few people know what he looks like without the makeup.

Anonymous December 18, 2008 at 3:29 PM  

They do seem to like casting Trek actors. I remember all the talk of Nichelle Nichols joining the cast but her character didn't get to do much other than be Nichelle in Heroes.

Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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