
Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm attempting an exorcism.

I have been stuck in the same job for three years. Doing the same things. This is anathema to me. I have attempted to extend my role in every possible direction, taking on the things that other people don't want to do, pushing the envelope as much as I can in line with the stated vision for my job title. But enough is enough, I wanted some new challenges and a chance to learn new things. So I applied for a similar job with a different department, because it would give me new people to hang out with and infovore off.

The interview did not go well. When I described my current role and what I had done with it, the interviewer recoiled and told me that the job he was offering was nowhere near that complex or demanding, that I would be bored and never challenged and that, essentially, I was too smart to do the job.

Which would be a lovely compliment if the job wasn't also a promotion AND a pay rise.

So, essentially, some cow-eyed numpty with less responsibility than me, with less brain than me, with a less complex understanding of the company than me, gets better paid and better opportunity to be promoted.

I don't quite understand the logic there.

Never mind. It's just a job. I need to write more and make that my career instead.


mand February 9, 2009 at 8:09 AM  

Aagh, been there.

I have even sat in an interview and said, 'Obviously i couldn't stand this job full time but since the larger part of my life will be interesting, i would like to do this for 10 hours a week.'

(And i got that job.)

I've also been computerless as your previous post... (for which thanx, the reviews are great).

So, sympathies.
ps I'll reply to your email when i have somewhere viewable to read it...

Lucy McGough February 9, 2009 at 8:44 AM  

I reckon they're all a bunch of barstewards. I know that this doesn't actually help, but I just thought I'd mention it.

So it goes...

David Webb February 9, 2009 at 9:31 PM  

Lucy - in terms of business philosophy, I think that the idea of hiring people who are content to stay in one post and vegetate there is a horrible mistake. I believe that harsh economic times call for greater adaptability in companies; flexibility is required in order to make the best of the resources they have, and this is not obviously the way things are going.

I think evolutionary pressure is being brought to bear on the structure of modern capitalism. If it's as strong as it claims, it will adapt and overcome. If not, it will fail.

My most profound hope is that people will realise that the oldest covenant between employer and employee is broken when a company decides to IPO, and once gone the company becomes a cancerous mass dedicated to perpetuating itself and making money.

Mand: it's frustrating, but as Lucy says "so it goes". I'm planning to leave and return to the UK this year anyway (awful timing, but I have plans), so in the end does it matter?

The reviews were fun. But then the material is really good.

Lucy McGough February 10, 2009 at 1:01 AM  

Sorry to be so dense, but what does IPO mean?

David Webb February 10, 2009 at 4:23 PM  

IPO is the Initial Public Offering, when a company is floated on the stock exchange.

Lucy McGough February 11, 2009 at 5:14 AM  

Ta mate :-)

Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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