The End of Battlestar Galactica

Saturday, March 21, 2009

For the record, I enjoyed it.

I had to watch it, you don't miss that sort of thing. I wanted to find out how it was all going to be resolved.

Satisfyingly, I think.

Although I have no doubt that somewhere in the next six months to a year someone will point out to Ronald D Moore that all of that ending has happened before, most recently I think by Douglas Adams.

All is forgiven, though, for the fate of Starbuck (he's already catching a lot of flack for that, and I think Moore should shrug it off and keep going) because sometimes you don't get all the answers, and that's OK.

Look, if Battlestar can borrow an ending from DNA, I can borrow a line from Moffat.

Plus, the show wins for the final look at the eventual fate of the colonials and playing out with the tune that has haunted the series for a while.

On that note, it's probably time I called it a day here too. I think I would prefer to play out, like H2G2, with Louis Armstrong's "Wonderful World."


Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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