Rend! Tear! Fold! Spindle!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I have been sans-internet since this afternoon.
It's back now, because someone nearby is incautious with their very slow, very weak wireless connection. If I knew how to leave a note saying "dude, WEP key at least!" I would.
I think I have entirely failed to tweet, because when everything fell over I was setting up Twitter. Conspiracy? I think it might be.
On the plus side, I cooked roast beef. On the minus side, I have been moping. I am going to flip this thing over to Ubuntu, listen to some Doctor Who audio and attempt to be Zen - although we already know I am to Zen what Prince Phillip is to International Diplomacy.
Moping may mean it's time for a rest. (Zen optional.) hth.
Yay, you're on Twitter. Welcome.
Yay, you're blog looks even snazzier now you've spruced it up. I like.
Have a rest. I did that last week. Didn't do a blinkin' thing. Well, I say I didn't but I wrote a review of Fox for 'Television Heaven' and half an analysis of Doctor Who Season 5.
Did me good tho'
Frank, it's lucky you said that about sprucing it up - made me nip across here from my feedreader. Yep, i like it too.
It's still a bit of a work in progress, but thank you both. :)
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