Teach Me 'ow To Be King?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

According to this it seems that NBC are planning to show Merlin, the BBC Merlin, in a primetime-ish slot.

This could be interesting. I wonder if the suits have seen it, or whether they are hoping it will turn out to be a bit Harry Potter, rather than a bit homoerotic.

I still haven't seen it, so the homoerotic comments stem from the comments of people who have. Either way, it's nice to see the Yanks catching on to "just show the Brit version!", so perhaps Life on Mars didn't die for nothing.


Lucy McGough March 13, 2009 at 2:11 AM  

It's sort of like a homoerotic Harry Potter. But it is good.

Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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