Retrospectively speaking

Sunday, March 8, 2009

There's a lot to catch up on, I'm sure.

Firstly, I has New Blog called "Jingoistic Claptrap" which I will post stuff on from time to time that don't belong here. It will be of a fictional and possibly even satirical nature.

Second, having decided to take a break from a few sites and recover my enthusiasm, it turns out that I don't miss most of them. I'm a little bit worried about that. If I retreat any further into my shell, I will end up being all shell.

Thirdly, I still don't have anything interesting to say.

Which isn't strictly true. The looming divorce isn't as looming as it was due to a shortfall in finance - divorce being costly - but is still on course for this year. I want out, just to get it over with and be able to move on. It won't be pleasant to be a statistic, being one of the 50%, but I can live with it. I've been a statistic all my life. I'll continue to be one after I'm dead, somewhere, which is an odd sort of immortality.

I haven't written anything worth reading in far too long, which is really ticking me off. But starting 16th March I have a week off and have decided to see if I can't re-fire the creative bits by actually finishing that Time War stuff, and one or two other things I had in the works.

I'm reasonably enthused about that. As much as I am enthused about anything at the moment.


Lucy McGough March 9, 2009 at 1:41 AM  


I'm really looking forward to the continuance of that Time War story.

OW!!!!!!!!!!!! has been a bit slow recently due to the absence of Whoness on our televisions. It'll pick up when we actually have some Who to talk about.

Just so you know...

I don't know what this bit is for. Perhaps I should give it a purpose?

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